GICON Großmann Ingenieur Consult GmbH
About GICON Großmann Ingenieur Consult GmbH
GICON is an incorporated group of independent engineering and consulting companies. The group operates under the registered trademark GICON®.
GICON’s headquarter is in Dresden, Germany. Office locations throughout Germany provide services close to our German clients. Beyond Germany, GICON is also engaged internationally and has offices in various European and Asian locations as well as in the Americas.
Services provided by the GICON group are consulting & engineering, research and development and plant construction. Consulting & engineering is provided in the areas of business system planning, environmental / permit applications, energy technology, soil and water management, and technical IT for a variety of industrial sectors.
In cooperation with many national and international research institutes, comprehensive research services are provided to ensure the necessary innovation for GICON as well as for the customers and to be involved in setting state of the art technology standards.
GICONs experienced interdisciplinary team is the foundation for comprehensive and state-of-art services in a variety of industries.
Role in the Project
For Space@Sea GICON is leading WP6. With regard to this content GICON is available for the whole design process, the documentation as well for the reports. Also the detail design of the Energyhub@Sea will be managed by GICON in collaboration with the partners. The practical experience from GICON will be also provided to other WP e.g. WP1 or WP5. Especially for WP5 the experience will be fit with the T&I requirements.
Regarding WP 8 Farming@sea GICON will bring in the input of years of innovative R&D work in relation to the worldwide patented GICON photobioreactor. In combination with interdisciplinary working engineers, the owned onshore photobioreactor technology will be implemented to offshore conditions. In doing so, health and safety issues from WP2 as well as calculations relating mechanical forces and motions resulting from WP4 will be used to develop a microalgae cultivation system to be used at the multi-use platform system.